速報APP / 工具 / SafetyNet Test

SafetyNet Test





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Hoher Markt Wienn, 1010 Austria

SafetyNet Test(圖1)-速報App

SafetyNet Test verifies the device with SafetyNet compatibility tests. SafetyNet api is a part of Google Play Services Framework. Some apps use this api to check whether the device has been rooted or tampered. If your device is rooted or you have custom ROM installed then your device won't pass this test. There have been some methods to pass this check with rooted devices. You can get more information about how to hide root in relevant threads on XDA Forums.

SafetyNet Test(圖2)-速報App

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SafetyNet Test(圖3)-速報App